Forget Waterboarding

Forget waterboarding, if you want to torture me, put me in the grocery store and make me open plastic produce bags. Those bags, or as I like to refer to them—Satan sacks—are almost impossible to pull apart. I know I’m not the only one who has experienced this. I see those telltale wads of disappointment…

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Snow is coming! In some parts of the country this is no big deal. It’s a regular almost daily occurrence in the winter. But we live in the deep South. Snow is a rarity and we treat it with the hysteria of a comet about to crash into the Earth. We rush to the supermarket…

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COVID Made Me Not Do It

I think we can all agree this pandemic has been horrible. But, if you’re a procrastinator like me, it’s the best excuse since “my dog ate my homework.”  Why does my hair look terrible? Covid. Why haven’t I had a mammogram or that delightful colonoscopy? Covid. Why haven’t I visited creepy Cousin Sally? Covid. I’m…

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